DC186 (12902)
DC186 (12902)
PIC25 (14567)
Soft-paste cheese with a natural, edible bloomy rind. Aged for 21 days.
DC74 (5366)
PIC27 (14569)
PIC26 (14568)
Soft-paste cheese with a natural, edible bloomy rind. Aged for 8 days.
DC75 (5367)
DY173 (8742)
DY171 (8740)
DY172 (8741)
Gold at International Cheese Awards 2021
DC154 (9334)
Taste of the West Gold Award Winner - two years running.
DIP14 (5870)
DC103 (6867)
DC156 (9220)
MCH31 (7138)
DC30 (1808)
Shortlisted for a Best of Organic Market Award 2016
DIP19 (6576)
DIP24 (7340)
DIP40 (13298)
DIP36 (13307)
PSA23 (9569)
DIP39 (13297)
MCH36 (7147)
DC38 (2310)
DC211 (11639)
MH02 (12782)
MCH33 (7145)
Silver medal at the South West Cheese Awards 2021
DC88 (6170)
MCH34 (7146)
MCH81 (10938)
MCH79 (10936)
DC266 (13596)
MCH32 (7144)
MCH97 (12708)
MCH38 (7149)
MH01 (12709)
MCH80 (10937)
MCH30 (7052)
MCH78 (10935)
RASP (887)
FS27 (8600)
Taste of the West Gold Award Winner - two years running.
DIP15 (5871)
DC225 (11555)
AB13 (1473)
Great Taste Awards Winner 2019. Taste of the West Gold Award Winner
DIP17 (5873)
DC226 (11556)
Whole olives with stones
COL10 (6484)
DC227 (11557)
HG23 (4330)
DY133 (7297)
MP122 (10973)
BAG01 (11781)
BAG02 (11782)
DIP43 (13301)
This fish has been previously frozen.
FS24 (8127)
Great Taste Awards Winner 2020
DC121 (7714)
Whole olives with stones
COL09 (6483)
PI38 (7831)
DIP44 (13303)
Voted Nation's Favourite Organic Food & Drink Product - BOOM Awards 2023
PTO17 (12122)
Whole olives with stones
OLIV6 (10091)
Voted Best Organic Soft Drink - BOOM Awards 2023
PSD45 (4967)
Winner of Great Taste Awards 2022.
PSDB1 (12402)
CON63 (12123)
PSD43 (4965)
PSD93 (9270)
SRI1 (12108)
PVI23 (12107)
Winner of Great Taste Awards 2022.
PSDB2 (12403)
MHONS (10515)
WG75G (8079)
DC41 (2936)
WHTLS (757)
DC161 (9601)
DC228 (11637)
TCROB (1818)
CHO38 (3085)
AB29 (4441)
Available from 25th Mar
DIP32 (12973)
TPAUC (1819)
Awarded a Great Taste star 2017
PSD44 (4966)
XFIZ1 (6351)
Won Gold, International Cheese & Dairy Awards 2021
DC89 (6487)
AB12 (1474)
PCK62 (11443)
Awarded two Great Taste stars 2016
TWC03 (7427)
FJ031 (10832)
Pitted olives. BOOM Awards 2021 - Nations Favourite finalist
COL23 (13767)
Great Taste Awards Winner 2020
FJPM (4838)
LMUF6 (11693)
FS36 (11064)
FJU43 (7661)
Great Taste Awards Winner 2020
FJCA (4837)
A selection of Plain, Turmeric and Kalamata Olive Houmous
DIP27 (8448)
FJU44 (7662)
CPL1 (13639)
MCHS5 (14475)
1 bottle of white, 1 of red which will change every week
AWC17 (11821)
DC270 (13599)
DIP38 (13296)
BOOM Awards 2021 - Best of Children's Food & Drink
FJ037 (13718)
SFPB (12220)
FJR02 (14437)
SO071 (14577)
TOLIV (1001)
EEG40 (14212)
FS42 (13785)
FJR03 (14438)
SO073 (14580)
PSD82 (8339)
SO072 (14579)
FJR01 (14436)
AB37 (5931)
SO074 (14581)
GFB04 (6162)
ACI14 (9231)
DC212 (11328)
Available on 8th Apr
MCH59 (9093)
AW180 (14011)
AW184 (14586)
AFG12 (14596)
A monthly selection of the finest organic cheeses for you to try.
DCS01 (6480)
Awarded 1 star at Great Taste Awards 2023
SEVES (10516)
TOMCH (3183)
DC10 (515)
8 salad & veg portions every week. (This is a set box so we can’t offer any replacements to the planned contents)
SSLD (10591)
TWW8S (1019)
Awarded two Great Taste stars 2016
TWC02 (6383)
BOOM Awards 2021 - Best Organic Free-From Product
SOUGF (11687)
DC234 (12082)
Awarded 1 star at Great Taste Awards 2023
HERTS (10517)
FJR04 (14439)
SSOU1 (11686)
DY206 (11075)
TWW4S (1017)
BSOU1 (12752)
DY157 (8072)
GRARS (4351)
Simply bake for 10 mins
PBR03 (5993)
WSOU5 (12753)
TMX8S (3027)
WHTSS (756)
PCK64 (11695)
Serves 1
PI47 (9887)
Simply bake for 10 mins
PBR04 (5994)
FJ129 (13855)
PIC18 (11972)
OBAG3 (12600)
DC243 (12489)
Silver Medal at the 2017 British Cheese Awards
DC116 (7488)
FJ126 (13851)
DC120 (7659)
A weekly changing duo of the finest organic cheeses for you to try.
DCS12 (14419)
Subscribe & save and every week you will receive a different 250ml can of kombucha from Equinox
KC01 (10031)
PI44 (7905)
Soft Drinks Brand of the Year - The Grocer Gold Awards 2022
PCO11 (12626)
TMX4S (3029)
MH03 (12783)
TSBUN (2008)
Simply bake for 15 mins.
PBR09 (9727)
Soft Drinks Brand of the Year - The Grocer Gold Awards 2022
PCO12 (12627)
FJ127 (13853)
CON87 (10198)
AW154 (10700)
PSN74 (13627)
Great Taste Awards 2018 Star
PS008 (10965)
Awarded two Great Taste stars 2016
TWC04 (7590)
AR184 (9243)
PIC02 (7291)
PCK23 (2259)
DC209 (11237)
DC300 (13487)
CON58 (6975)
PSN77 (13631)
SNK53 (13424)
Winner of Best Organic Specialist Diet at the BOOM Awards 2019
PI41 (7878)
CON91 (10485)
TMA8S (995)
AR228 (10698)
Save compared to buying separately
DY282 (14447)
DC269 (13597)
SCO03 (11444)
VB27 (12853)
PSN83 (14552)
TDAN3 (2257)
CIABL (11690)
Save compared to buying separately.
DY281 (14446)
MCH84 (11272)
PS009 (11204)
TMA4S (993)
New & improved recipe
PAT47 (11375)
XAW23 (4920)
SCO01 (7536)
Pitted olives
COL24 (13768)
PSD81 (8332)
TECCL (2252)
PIT19 (14546)
PSD53 (6121)
XJBT (4563)
Subscribe & save and every week you will receive a different 120g pack of vegan cheese alternative from Kinda Co.
DCS11 (14418)
New & improved recipe
PAT48 (11376)
DC275 (13638)
CRA36 (12811)
Voted Best Organic Children's Food & Drink - BOOM Awards 2023
FJ018 (10341)
DC273 (13622)
DY252 (12636)
CON72 (7527)
RM85 (9623)
PSN78 (13632)
PSN75 (13629)
POO33 (11290)
DC303 (14519)
PAT32 (9192)
PFR1 (5575)
DC210 (11238)
Awarded a Great Taste star 2016
PSD47 (4969)
DC271 (13600)
PSN84 (14553)
PSD50 (4973)
CH172 (13114)
PI81 (14357)
DC257 (13167)
DC272 (13601)
CON90 (10484)
DC256 (13166)
SNK52 (13423)
Save compared to buying separately
DY280 (14445)
Great Taste Awards Winner 2020
DC20 (1275)
DC208 (11236)
AR264 (13803)
PSD83 (8340)
DC201 (10959)
COL27 (14415)
PCK77 (14492)
PFR3 (5540)
XCHA1 (2671)
PSD96 (9273)
CRA39 (14517)
DC139 (10402)
Ready to eat
PGR18 (10268)
PSDB5 (12537)
PSN86 (14551)
AB23 (3035)
SNK54 (13425)
DC274 (13623)
Subscribe & save and every week you will receive a different 400g pot of soya yogurt alternative from Sojade
SY53 (14417)
CON70 (7525)
CH192 (14533)
PVI22 (11386)
DC144 (9064)
AW187 (14434)
COL26 (14414)
CH187 (13858)
PSDB4 (12536)
AR286 (14435)
BIS82 (14542)
PCK76 (14491)
DIP49 (14416)
RM84 (9622)
PSDB9 (13814)
PB003 (13441)
DSW14 (13850)
PSD95 (9272)
PSDB6 (12538)
PTB51 (13634)
SAU50 (13635)
AR237 (11436)
CH186 (13857)
PSN82 (14389)
SNK49 (13420)
SAU51 (13636)
SNK50 (13421)
HA106 (13624)
AFG1 (13453)
PTB50 (13633)
SNK51 (13422)
AW169 (14433)
DSW15 (14356)
AW176 (13591)
SAU83 (13862)
AFG13 (14597)
PSN81 (14388)
Available on 25th Mar
VB35 (13822)
Available on 18th Mar
PSDB3 (12404)
Available on 18th Mar
Spend £30, get free wineFPRA1 (14563)
Available on 8th Apr
3 for £10 on drinksFJ026 (10962)
Available on 18th Mar
15% offLMU11 (14516)
Available on 18th Mar
20% offPSD42 (4964)
Available on 25th Mar
COL20 (12785)
Available on 25th Mar
FJ128 (13854)
Available on 25th Mar
PSDC0 (13815)
Available on 25th Mar
PSN85 (14554)
Available on 18th Mar
PUD69 (10786)
Available on 25th Mar
Vegan friendly cashew-based cheese
DC195 (11169)
Available on 25th Mar
PS001 (9941)
Available on 18th Mar
AR263 (13592)