XGB21 (12984)
VAS21 (14898)
VAS18 (14895)
VAS20 (14897)
VAS19 (14896)
COMP7 (13476)
FERT1 (11227)
This is a compressed compost which requires hyrdation before use
CMP11 (13579)
TOOL1 (12975)
Winner of the GIMA 2022 Sustainability Award
WOOL3 (14866)
CMP10 (13577)
CGM10 (14561)
£5 donation to Haygrove’s Community Gardens Project for every apron
ARP01 (12036)
COMP5 (13412)
CMP13 (14560)
GGLOV (13523)
SHELL (13620)
HG155 (13480)
CMP12 (14559)
PULP2 (11425)
£5 donation to Haygrove’s Community Gardens Project for every apron
ARP02 (12037)
POT01 (12321)
Winner of the GIMA 2022 Sustainability Award
WOOL2 (14865)