PSN85 (14554)
PSN85 (14554)
PSN83 (14552)
PSN84 (14553)
PSN86 (14551)
Packaged in a returnable pot.
LO051 (13322)
PSN67 (12046)
PSN65 (12045)
PSN69 (12048)
Enjoy a hand-picked, weekly surprise in your box. Chosen from our organic, meat-free selection
MYSTY (5690)
Enjoy a hand-picked, weekly surprise in your box. Chosen from our organic selection
MYST2 (12913)
Packaged in a returnable pot.
LO058 (13754)
Packaged in a returnable pot.
LO034 (12923)
PCK18 (2186)
PSN74 (13627)
CRA15 (2899)
EEX23 (4283)
EGB2 (12292)
XMP17 (14792)
EEX22 (4284)
CRA38 (12703)
PSN30 (8255)
PDS59 (13007)
BIS71 (12437)
SNK48 (12744)
CH217 (15256)
Great Taste Awards 2022 Winner
CRA17 (3739)
SNK47 (12743)
PSN32 (8257)
BIS69 (12435)
CRA39 (14517)
PUD83 (14034)
PSN33 (8258)
CH216 (15255)
BT05 (11392)
CH175 (13383)
PSN81 (14388)
FUD03 (14655)
CH176 (13384)
FUD02 (14654)
CH178 (13386)
FUD05 (14657)
Packaged in a returnable pot.
LO004 (10125)
Great Taste Awards Winner 2020
BIS15 (1713)
Packaged in a returnable pot.
LO014 (10133)
73% Cocoa
CHO45 (3473)
Packaged in a returnable pot.
LO061 (13757)
Voted Best Organic Snack - BOOM Awards 2023
SEA06 (12813)
85% Cocoa
CH151 (10804)
BIS72 (12438)
BIS52 (10660)
Winner of the Soil Association Consumer Choice Award 2013
PCK19 (2187)
BOOM Awards 2021 - Finalist
BIS51 (10458)
Shortlisted for Best Sweet Biscuits, Snacks & Cakes at the BOOM Awards 2019.
BIS42 (8502)
BIS50 (10457)
CRA12 (2896)
BIS55 (10859)
CRA27 (8597)
CRA14 (2898)
BIS46 (9325)
XCRA1 (1948)
CRA24 (6195)
PCK82 (14828)
BIS54 (10662)
BIS86 (14891)
PIT19 (14546)
Packaged in a returnable pot.
LO054 (13751)
CRA36 (12811)
BIS68 (12270)
SEA07 (14902)
BIS34 (6824)
SNK53 (13424)
PSN62 (12482)
CRA30 (11545)
PDS58 (12809)
CH172 (13114)
BIS61 (12199)
PSN75 (13629)
FUD04 (14656)
CRA37 (12808)
LMUF9 (13607)
CCH04 (13060)
76% Cocoa
CH148 (10800)
PCK81 (14827)
BIS36 (6827)
FUD01 (14653)
SNK14 (12140)
Allergen update – new recipe
SNK19 (12149)
Winner of best organic bakery product ' Savoury Biscuits & snacks' at the BOOM Awards 2017
BIS35 (6826)
CROU1 (14672)
BIS44 (9323)
CH149 (10802)
SNK25 (12068)
PSN80 (14191)
SNK52 (13423)
CH171 (13113)
SNK24 (12067)
SNK20 (12150)
BIS64 (12191)
BOOM Awards 2021 - Finalist
MAC01 (11400)
SNK29 (12169)
PSN06 (2191)
CH192 (14533)
BIS59 (12197)
BIS82 (14542)
LMU10 (13608)
CRA29 (11544)
SNK22 (12065)
CH152 (10805)
SNK23 (12066)
MAC07 (12337)
CCH07 (13766)
SNK54 (13425)
SNK62 (14952)
Shortlisted for BOOM Best Bakery Product Award 2017
BIS33 (6823)
SNK18 (12147)
CH191 (14296)
PN001 (13398)
SNK46 (12526)
PCK76 (14491)
BRA04 (15176)
PSN76 (14407)
BIS60 (12198)
PSN87 (14778)
CH173 (13115)
CCH06 (13062)
Best of Sweet Bakery winner at BOOM Awards 2021
BIS49 (10456)
SNK50 (13421)
BRA03 (15175)
BIS62 (12189)
CH190 (14295)
BRA01 (15173)
SNK51 (13422)
PSN82 (14389)
BIS85 (14890)
PCK83 (15156)
PCK84 (15157)
PCK85 (15158)
SNK49 (13420)
MAC06 (12336)
MAC08 (12338)
CRA41 (15104)
BRA02 (15174)
XC119 (14135)
CRA40 (15103)
XC120 (14136)
Available on 1st Apr
10% offEE110 (14214)
Available on 15th Apr
Packaged in a returnable pot. 73% Cocoa
LO002 (10124)
Available on 8th Apr
Packaged in a returnable pot.
LO064 (13760)
Available on 8th Apr
56% Dark Chocolate. Packaged in a returnable pot.
LO053 (13750)
Sold Out
EE113 (14226)
Sold Out
CRA28 (10760)
Available on 1st Apr
XBIS9 (3871)
Available on 1st Apr
LMU11 (14516)
Available on 1st Apr
SNK21 (12152)
Sold Out
SNK26 (12069)
Available on 8th Apr
MAC02 (11401)