PMI18 (10054)
Taste of the West Gold Award Winner - two years running.
DIP14 (5870)
HW15 (7762)
Enjoy a hand-picked, weekly surprise in your box. Chosen from our organic, meat-free selection
MYSTY (5690)
PTT01 (659)
SAU25 (6899)
HXB6 (7195)
DC161 (9601)
CRA15 (2899)
HXB2 (2112)
Won Gold, International Cheese & Dairy Awards 2021
DC89 (6487)
AP700 (2529)
CAULW (601)
CTOME (6023)
HG28 (5725)
HG22 (3504)
Save compared to buying separately. Unwaxed
LEMLI (10361)
Awarded 1 star at Great Taste Awards 2023
SEVES (10516)
HG88 (11378)
Packaged in a returnable pot.
LO004 (10125)
Equlavent to 3 standard rolls
HG37 (8612)
DY161 (8321)
DY146 (7746)
FJU59 (8141)
Varieties and colours will vary
CHILM (2396)
Winner of 2 stars at Great Taste Awards 2022 & Gold at Taste of The West 2022
DY241 (12398)
SY09 (4473)
HC05 (494)
HMI30 (460)
PTT07 (2371)
CER09 (1207)
DATDN (15086)
A mix of onions, carrots and potatoes
STAPL (10978)
Packaged in a returnable pot.
LO050 (13321)
DC234 (12082)
HON01 (1606)
Packaged in a returnable pot.
LO064 (13760)
CLETA (12159)
MGBRO (9212)
Great Taste Awards Winner 2020
BIS15 (1713)
Winner of Best Chilled Product at the BOOM awards 2019. Platinum Award Winner at the Food & Drink Devon Awards 2019
SO006 (8644)
DY198 (10877)
HP338 (12134)
Great Taste Awards 2022 Winner
CER53 (11170)
Packaged in a returnable pot.
LO026 (12791)
LMUF6 (11693)
HP267 (10467)
PSA04 (3087)
Save compared to buying separately
SFRYB (7370)
HP266 (10466)
DIP36 (13307)
CER49 (10590)
MGRAD (9602)
CER11 (1719)
VB35 (13822)
Simply bake for 15 mins.
PBR09 (9727)
GARBL (7817)
VB11 (6268)
PJA05 (1648)
DC249 (12877)
MUE29 (8384)
MUE28 (8383)
MUE27 (8382)
SO081 (15120)
DC245 (12491)
BUN02 (13667)
PIC14 (10087)
PCK82 (14828)
SO078 (15117)
PJA03 (1646)
SO077 (15116)
ROLL2 (13666)
Winner 2014 Great Taste Awards
PJA02 (1645)
SCO03 (11444)
CRA27 (8597)
DC269 (13597)
BIS46 (9325)
PSN83 (14552)
BIS68 (12270)
PSN65 (12045)
Voted Best Organic Children's Food & Drink - BOOM Awards 2023
FJ018 (10341)
TEAX6 (11865)
PTB44 (12267)
PTB43 (12266)
PSN85 (14554)
BOOM Awards 2021 - Best Non-Alcoholic Drink
TEAX1 (11827)
Ready to eat
PGR18 (10268)
£1.50 from every jar is donated to the Hands Up Foundation, who raise funds for projects in Syria
PJA16 (7628)
LMUF9 (13607)
PPB28 (14291)
TEAZ1 (12652)
LMU10 (13608)
Great Taste Awards Winner 2017
PJA14 (5382)
HP273 (11217)
PSN84 (14553)
TEAX9 (11833)
AB83 (8355)
FUD01 (14653)
MAC07 (12337)
51% Cocoa
CH182 (13329)
AB150 (15111)
TEAX5 (11864)
TEAX2 (11828)
PSN33 (8258)
CH183 (13330)
CH188 (13968)
TEAZ7 (14269)
PGR28 (13970)
TEAX8 (11832)
PPB27 (14290)
FJ110 (13183)
PFL36 (13731)
PAS81 (14526)
Great Taste Awards Winner 2018
CON71 (7526)
PAS79 (14529)
AB154 (15114)
AB79 (8352)
PAS78 (14530)
CH180 (13327)
PSN76 (14407)
ACI14 (9231)
BIS64 (12191)
ARTD6 (15003)
AB80 (8306)
PAS80 (14528)
CH179 (13326)
CH189 (13969)
MAC06 (12336)
AB153 (15113)
CON76 (8229)
MAC08 (12338)
TEAX3 (11829)
ARTD9 (15006)
ARTD7 (15004)
CH184 (13331)
PPB26 (14289)
ARTD8 (15005)
AB84 (8356)
42% Cocoa
CH181 (13328)
AB115 (11036)
PPB31 (14294)
PAS82 (14527)
Available on 10th Feb
DB09 (7575)
Available on 10th Feb
FSMM (3049)
Available on 10th Feb
Packaged in a returnable pot.
LO039 (13306)
Available on 17th Feb
SO079 (15118)
Available on 10th Feb
COL20 (12785)
Available on 10th Feb
SO080 (15119)
GFB09 (10701)
Available on 3rd Mar
Winner 2015 Great Taste Awards
PJA15 (5383)
CON75 (8228)