New Spanish season
BLUEM (2990)
New Spanish season
BLUEM (2990)
ASP20 (8697)
RASP (887)
MUC20 (7750)
7 varieties of British organic veg. (This is a set box so we can’t offer any replacements to the planned contents)
MABV (7062)
PSBM (879)
BEAB (692)
BL125 (5410)
CAV20 (10737)
SPI30 (2763)
CELM (446)
New lower price
TOMV4 (7344)
CUCUM (420)
KAL30 (1082)
SPBA2 (10733)
LETRT (5654)
SPROM (1834)
MUP20 (1168)
SPBAB (447)
PEPPR (4252)
HCOR (458)
MUSSH (3817)
MUB15 (6164)
Varieties and colours will vary
CHILM (2396)
SCUCM (4472)
MANM (457)
LETGR (5944)
HMI30 (460)
BEET5 (10942)
New lower price
FENNE (449)
LETRE (5945)
MGBRO (9212)
MUOYG (9579)
MGRAD (9602)
Mix of sunflower microgreens, pea shoots & broccoli microgreens
SALNM (14375)
WHTGR (9210)
MGPEA (9603)
MGSUN (9211)
Available on 18th Mar
WCRES (3230)