Tomato, Mozzarella & Avocado Salad

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Serves2 people
Vegetarians Gluten-free diets
Tomato, Mozzarella & Avocado Salad

This month we're inspired by a combination of classic Italian flavours. Bocconcini are small balls of mozzarella made with buffalo milk. They're delicious scattered over thick slices of juicy Fuji pink tomatoes, creamy avocado and peppery rocket. A scattering of pine nuts and a balsamic dressing brings them all together


  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 2 Fuji pink beef tomatoes
  • 1 avocado
  • A few handfuls of rocket
  • 125g bocconcini
  • A handful of basil
  • 25g pine nuts

Prep: 10 mins | Cook: 2-3 mins

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1. Pour the vinegar into a small bowl and add 2 tbsp olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper. Whisk to make a dressing.
2. Slice the tomatoes into ½cm-thick rounds. Halve the avocado, scoop out the stone and then scoop the avocado out of the skin. Slice it.
3. Arrange the tomatoes, avocado and a few handfuls of rocket on a serving platter or 2 serving plates. Drizzle over the dressing.
4. Drain the bocconcini and slice into wedges. Scatter them over the salad. Scatter over the leaves from a few sprigs of basil, tearing any large leaves in half.
5. Tip the pine nuts into a dry frying pan and toast over a medium heat for 2-3 mins till golden brown. Scatter them over the salad and serve straight away.
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