Parsnip, Banana & Lime Soup

Cooking time
Serves2-3 people
Vegans Gluten-free diets
Parsnip, Banana & Lime Soup

Banana? Are you serious? In a soup? Trust us. It works, adding a creamy, velvety depth to the final dish. Suppably sublime.

3 ratings
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  • 2 parsnips
  • 1 white onion
  • 1 red chilli
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • A thumb of fresh ginger
  • A gloss of oil
  • ½ tsp ground turmeric
  • Approx 500ml stock or boiling water
  • 1 banana
  • 1 lime
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
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1. Peel the parsnips. Finely dice your onion. Thinly slice your chilli. Peel and chop your garlic. Peel your ginger. Grate 1 tbsp. Cut the rest into thin julienne strips.
2. Get a large frying pan hot. Gloss with oil. Add your veg, a pinch of the chilli, all of the garlic and the grated ginger. Sizzle till it picks up a little colour, just a couple of mins.
3. Swirl in the turmeric. Pour in enough stock or water to cover. Let it bubble away till the parsnips are mashably tender.
4. Peel and slice your banana. Add it. Add a good grating of lime zest and a squeeze of juice. Blend till smooth, adding more boiling water as needed. Taste. Season and adjust spicing to taste.
5. Sizzle the remaining chilli and ginger in hot oil till just crisp. Use to garnish the soup along with a little extra lime zest.
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I'd probably go for a 3.5 points, but mainly just because I am usually a bit underwhelmed by blended soups (more of a stew person). Good flavour though and quite filling - a very interesting recipe to both get rid of the last couple of old parsnips and a brown banana. Would make again if I have a similar combo of things-to-use-up.



Very tasty sweet n sour flavours

