Mussels in Minutes

Cooking time
Serves2-4 people
Gluten-free diets
Mussels in Minutes

Our fishmonger's latest fruit de mer is mussels and my, they are gorgeous. The joy of these plump, meaty bivalves is that they cook in minutes. So, you can make a speedy supper and pretend you're by the sea.

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  • 1kg mussels
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • A splash of olive oil
  • A glass of white wine
  • 1/2 mug cream
  • A few handfuls of chopped spinach leaves (stalks and woody veined trimmed first)
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper

Delish! Serve with a wedge of buttered bread to mop up the sauce.

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1. First, clean the mussels: Place them in a bowl of water. Have a colander sitting next to it. Clean the hairy-looking beards off – simply tug them from the shell and discard (don't worry – the mussel won't snap you!). Discard any cracked shells. Tap any shells that are open and discard the ones that do not close fully – discard them even if they stay open a bit. Place the cleaned mussels in the colander as you go along. Give the sorted shells a good rinse and set aside.
2. Fill a lidded pan (one large enough to hold the mussels) with just enough water to cover the bottom. Set aside.
3. Place a sauce pan over medium heat. Add a splash of oil, then the onion. Cook until softened. Add the garlic and cook a moment longer. Season. Add the wine and let it bubble up until it's reduced down a bit.
4. Meanwhile, bring the water in the mussel pan to the boil. Low the heat. Add the mussels and pop the lid on. Steam for 3 minutes, or just until all the shells have opened. Tip in to a colander set aside.
5. Fold the cream into the white wine. Add a good pinch of salt and pepper. Let it warm though. Add the mussels. Arrange a bed of the raw spinach in the bowls. Pour the creamy mussels on top and serve - the steam and warmth from the mussels and sauce will cook the spinach.
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