Honey Pork Escalopes with Grilled Apples

Cooking time
Serves2-4 people
Gluten-free diets
Honey Pork Escalopes with Grilled Apples

The perfect way to welcome the apple season - toss 'em on the barbie with some sage rubbed pork, and gloss the lot with honey. Scrummy, especially with some scrumpy (or a cold cider!).

8 ratings


  • 2 garlic cloves, plus a few extra if you like
  • A handful of fresh sage
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
  • A glug of olive oil
  • 3-4 tbsp honey
  • A splash of cider vinegar
  • 2 pork escalopes
  • 3 apples
  • A spoonful of butter (optional)

The pork, apple and crispy sage are delicious in a warm bap with some crispy leaves, especially on a hot day with a cold cider. Or, serve with gingered carrots, minty broad beans and balsamic-glazed new potatoes.

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1. Crush the garlic and finely chop. Gather 5-6 sage leaves. Finely chop. Mix with the garlic, a pinch of salt and a drop of olive oil. Massage this into the pork, along with a dusting of black pepper.
2. Pop the pork between two sheets of greaseproof paper. Flatten the pork by bashing it with a rolling pin or something similar. This tenderises the meat and punches all those lovely garlicky sage flavours into it. Let the meat rest for a mo.
3. Whisk the 3 tbsp of honey with a drop of cider vinegar. Taste. You’re after a sweet and sour tang, with a stronger focus on the honey. Add more honey or vinegar, as needed.
4. Chop up a few more sage leaves and whisk into the honey mix, which you’ll use to glaze your meat and apples.
5. Gloss the meat with a little olive oil and pop it on the grill, or sizzle in a frying or griddle pan. It’ll only need a minute or two on each side. Drizzle a little honey glaze over at the end of cooking. Once it’s golden and cooked through, let it rest.
6. Keep the grill or frying pan hot. Core your apples. Slice into 1-2cm thick rings. Toss in the honey glaze to coat and prevent them from browning.
7. Grill the apple rings until just softened and golden. Pile onto the pork.
8. If you fancy, sizzle a few whole sage leaves and a couple of bashed and peeled garlic cloves in a little butter. Do this in a frying pan on the cooker, or pop the pan on the grill (use an oven glove). Sizzle until golden and crisp. Scatter over the pork and apple.
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Mrs Tiggywinkle
