English Summer Spanish Omelette

Cooking time
Serves6-8 people
English Summer Spanish Omelette

This Spanish omelette gets a kiss of English broad beans new potatoes and garden mint. It’s the perfect dish to tote to your next picnic.

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  • 1kg broad beans
  • 500g new potatoes or Jersey royals
  • A large handful of mint
  • 200g crème fraiche
  • 6 eggs
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
  • A gloss of oil or a nugget of butter

15 mins (prep) | 35 mins (cooking)

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1. Pluck the broad beans from their pods. Tumble into a saucepan with enough boiling water to cover. Simmer for 2 mins. Drain. Rinse under cold water. Carefully remove the white coating on the larger beans as it can be bitter the bigger the bean gets.
2. Scrub your spuds clean. Slice 1cm thick. Place in a saucepan. Cover with boiling water. Add a pinch of salt. Cook till just tender, 5-10 mins.
3. Finely chop your mint leaves (use the stalks to make tea). Mix into the crème fraîche. Season to taste.
4. Crack the eggs into a large bowl. Swirl in half the minty crème fraîche. Add the broad beans. Peel and finely mince the garlic. Add it. Season the egg mixture well.
5. Add your par boiled spuds once drained and lightly cooled.
6. Set a large frying pan over high heat. Add a good gloss of oil or nugget of butter, enough to really coat the base and sides of the pan. Lower the heat.
7. Add the egg mix to the pan. Gently press the potato slices into the pan to even the top. The mix should fully fill your frying pan but not overflow. If you have extra mix cook in a separate dish or in oiled ramekins, baked in the oven till set.
8. Cook the omelette over low heat, covering the top with a lid or use another frying pan or baking sheet, till the eggs are fully set. It’ll get nice and browned on the bottom. It’ll take about 20 mins to set.
9. Loosen the sides of the omelette a little as it cooks. Once set, loosen it fully, slipping a thin spatula under the base. Set a large plate on top. Flip over to remove omelette from the pan.
10. Wipe your frying pan clean. Give your pan a fresh gloss of oil or butter. Carefully return the omelette to the pan, cooking the unbronzed side of it till just golden.
11. Delicious hot or cold with the remaining crème fraîche to dollop alongside.
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