Bird Seed Feeder Mix, Fair to Nature, RSPB (1.5kg)

(39.9p per 100g)

Most customers have this item on a regular delivery, so we’ll send this along for you every four weeks automatically. That way you won’t have to set yourself any reminders to do so. Brilliant.
Attract wild birds to your garden. With this wild bird seed blend for garden feeders. Featuring a nutritious mix of sunflower seeds, husk-free oats and canary seeds.

What makes me special?

- A variety of oil-rich seeds and oats
- Attracts birds such as blue tits, chaffinches, great tits, greenfinches, sparrows and siskins
- A great value natural mix
- Suitable for use all year round
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We're thrilled to be working with the RSPB to bring us this Fair to Nature accredited food. Run by the UK's largest wildlife and conservation charity, Fair to Nature is the only UK certification scheme with a focus on biodiversity and a proven approach to restoring the balance of nature in farming.

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