Pool Hullock Farm
The Helmes have been tending Poolhullock Farm for almost 70 years, and come Springtime Jeremy’s little patch of the Hereford hills is blooming bright purple. Alongside farm manager Monika and Snoop the jolly German pointer, he works with, not against nature to grow our purple sprouting broccoli, kale and Jerusalem artichokes.

He encourages biodiversity on the farm by digging ponds (home to a pair of loved-up swans), resting soil to recover nutrients naturally and managing pests organically with the help of bugs living in the wild margins between crops. Because of this, the air is abuzz with life; from bees and butterflies to the warbling Skylark which thrives on organic farmland, but is in steep decline across the rest of the UK.

“Battling the weather and the weeds can be a challenge, but when your chance comes you’ve just got to get out and do it, day or night," Jeremy tells us.