There's something extra festive about decorations you can just pluck from the tree and nibble on. Our Polly's made these jolly edible decorations and she's here to share how she's done it.
Make your own edible Christmas decorations

Caramel Popcorn Wreaths
You’ll need:
A few packs of your favourite flavour of Nom popcorn
(or make your own)
Baking paper and ingredients for caramel
(400g caster sugar, 4 tbsp golden syrup, 100ml water)
1. Prepare a tray lined with baking paper.
2. Use a glass/mug to draw around to create circles on the baking paper.
3. Make your caramel by popping the sugar and water into a pan at medium heat.
4. Cook for 5 mins (till the sugar dissolves), then stir in the syrup.
5. Heat to 150ºc or test using a bowl of cold water (drop some caramel into the cold water, once you remove it from the water it should snap instead of bend).
6. Time to be quick, dip the popcorn into the sugar and begin making your rings on the baking paper.
7. Leave to set.
8. Tie up with string.
Meringue Wreaths
You’ll need:
3 large egg whites
150g caster sugar
1. Begin by heating the oven to 100ºc
2. Line baking trays with baking paper and use a glass/mug to draw circles onto the paper (you can do different sizes, or other shapes if you like).
Draw them on one side of the paper and then flip the paper so the ink/pencil doesn’t transfer onto your decorations.
3. Whisk the egg whites using an electric mixer till they form soft peaks
4. Gradually add the sugar, a little at a time.
Be sure to whisk till the mixture is nice and glossy.
5. Dollop into a piping bag carefully and begin piping little drops onto your stencils. Make sure each drop is touching so they stick together.
6. Bake in the oven for 40 mins with the oven door slightly open.
7. Test they're ready before removing –
they should be nice and firm – though be careful, they're a bit delicate
8. Turn the oven off and shut the door, leaving the meringues
for another 40 mins or up to an hour.
9. Tie up with string.