The Watercress Company
Since the 1850s, watercress has been planted in The Watercress Company’s purpose-built gravel beds in Dorset. It’s here that Luke Beech and his team grow our delicious, organic watercress, seeded from a long history of salad leaf expertise.

Fed by natural spring water from deep underground aquifers, the water is so clean at source that you could drink it. The cool, calcium-rich waters protect Luke’s watercress from extremes of temperature and ensure that this peppery leaf is grown to the highest technical standards.

Luke and the team encourage wildlife on their farms, making sure that their delicious watercress grows in harmony with nature. Otters play in and around the tributaries, while bats are supported around the farm to reduce insect numbers. A rich diversity of bird species is encouraged with nest boxes and habitat creation.

During the colder months, The Watercress Company moves production to their own farms in Jerez, Spain, famous for its wonderful sherry. Set up in the 1980s and using the same traditional methods, winter watercress is grown by team members who have moved on to sunnier pastures. Whether sustainably sourced from Spain or hailing from our own fare shores, we trust The Watercress Company to bring us of their organic leaves.
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