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The idea of sustainable flower and plant delivery is close to our hearts, and we’re delighted to have made ‘floral’ arrangements with the perfect partners. Naomi farms ducks and grows flowers from her farm in Devon, Vicky runs an organic flower nursery near Bristol. Organic Blooms are an organic flower nusery and socail enterprise based in Gloucestershire, they provide valuable experience and training to local people with varying support needs.
Please keep your flowers in a dry environment.
Not for outdoors display (unless for a short time on a dry day)
Placing your organic dried flowers out of direct sunlight will prolong their colour and lifespan.
If they get a little dusty then a gentle blow with a cool hairdryer will clear them.
Arrange them how you wish, in a dry container of your choice, hang them on your wall or upside down for a pretty effect.
Make a list of your favourite things by clicking on the heart. This will come in handy when placing your orders.
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