The times they are a-changing, but the Abel & Cole blog remains your source of all that’s great, good and delicious from Veg HQ and the fields beyond. The seasons are still turning after all, and now that we’ve two welly-ed feet firmly in springtime, there are so many fair-weather favourites to look forward to.

Bedlam Farm in East Anglia really starts to live up to its name in May, where Clive Martin is getting ready to harvest this year’s crop of organic rhubarb.
He’s the fourth generation to work this gorgeous slice of fenland. Where his forefathers had more classical sensibilities; planting spuds, onions, leeks and the like, Clive likes to mix things up. Not only did he convert his land to organic back in 2006, but he loves the challenge of growing more specialised crops too.
So, this coming May, your boxes will reap the fruits (& veggies) of his labour. Not only is Clive’s superb asparagus making an appearance, but his ravishing rhuby, rhuby, rhuby rhubarb (aaaAaAaAaa) will be cropping up too.
Of course, we love a good crumble as much as anyone, we also like to follow Clive’s lead, and really push the envelope. That’s why our rhubarb recipes are full of both sweet and savoury inspiration for you to enjoy.