Here at Abel & Cole we've buddied up with charities and primary schools around the country to make healthy and sustainable food the easy choice.
The Good Food Fund

We want to spread the word of good, down to earth organic food together, while inspiring you to make a positive change for the planet. We know fundraising can be tricky, but we’re here to sweeten the deal – and what better way to make a bit of money for your favourite cause than with a weekly shop?
So, what is the Good Food Fund?
The Good Food Fund is a way for a school or charity to fund-raise from Abel & Cole deliveries. For every new customer that's introduced to us by your charity or school, we’ll donate the following:
1) £20 on 1st delivery
2) £5 on 3rd delivery
3) £10 on 5th delivery
There’s even a shiny new cookbook in the first order for each new customer, too. Just 10 people could raise £200 for your cause with their first delivery, pretty nifty eh? You can find out more about of the ins and out of the Good Food Fund in in our handy little video here
How do I register for the Good Food Fund?
We’d love to have you on board. To register, simply get in touch at
We’ll do the rest! Need help promoting your fund? Ask us about Abel & Cole coming along to your School Fayre or Family Fun Day - we’ll even bring our amazing organic fruit to share.
So whether it’s gym kits for kiwis or grapes for a greenhouse, the Good Food Fund is ready and waiting – money doesn’t grown on trees, but it can grow on veg,
On June the 8th we visited Victoria's Promise for their Summer Party in the Park to promote their Good Food Fund. Cue miles of smiles and some organic fruit fuel to keep the party going! Funds raised will go towards childcare and massage therapy for women undergoing chemo.
(Left) Creeping clouds aren’t enough to stop these juicers from trying Abel & Cole’s trusty apple press. (Right) Little Alba Smith letting Nanny and Granddad get stuck in.