Spring in your Step

“Stretching is a must. Also, get yourself a good sturdy pair of shoes (see picture of my new shoes which have a gel sole and back to avoid those unwanted blisters!) and a good backpack for all your gear – anti-blister socks are a gamechanger, too!
I find small and often is the way forward, then a couple of longer walks each week. Don’t take a 7-month-old puppy on a long training walk either, she’ll slow you down with all the sniffs and smells… I have learnt my lesson”
"I just love the camaraderie of Team Veg. A few of us took on the mighty Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge in 2018, then the MoonWalk together in 2019, the pandemic stopped us in our tracks in 2020 but we are all really excited to get back out training again and raising money for Walk the Walk.
My favourite lockdown activity has been planning long walks & I’m loving the opportunity to map out this year’s virtual Moonwalk route with the team. Having nature to inspire us is along the way is key and for part of our 26.2 miles we will be meandering our way down the River Wandle and past our HQ in South West London.”
“As we couldn’t do anything else during lockdown I’ve been asking friends to join me for 12 to 15 mile hikes in the North Downs for catch-ups and a good bit of fresh air and exercise at the same time. Not only have I been able to stay in touch with friends, I’ve been training for the Moonwalk, too.”
"Taking care of your feet is so important! Blisters and sore feet at the best of times are not fun, but when you are training for long distance walking this makes training practically impossible. A decent pair of socks can make all the difference. Also, invest in a good quality, properly fitting footwear - treating your feet to a foamy soak and massage once home!"
"I actually love the Thames Path. It’s flat, easy to find and follow, and it goes on for miles. Perfect for training. The section between Greenwich and Thames Barrier is a strange mix of industrial, domestic, historic and new, and there is a café by the Barrier for a cup of tea and a slice of cake afterwards.
This may entertain you. I did the MoonWalk it was 2008 and for some reason my mum, sisters and I decided to do it dressed as cartoon characters. I wore a very ropey homemade She-Ra costume! I think it was about an hour in when we ended up in fleeces and plastic macs because the rain had started"