Our latest road trip from Veg HQ took us out Somerset way to drop in on some old friends. Clive and Judith Freane; the dairy king and queen behind Brown Cow Organics and their marvellous, many-flavoured yoghurts.
Brown Cow Organics

Moovers and shakers
For 51 weeks a year Perridge Farm, just a little outside the village of Pilton, is a peaceful, sleepy kind of place. Their herd of 110 Guernsey cows graze 480 acres of rich, idyllic organic pasture in the green heart of Somerset. For the other week, Glastonbury Festival brings with it a riot of light, sound and revelry just over the crest of the hill. The cows don’t seem to mind though. They’re afforded a great view of some of their favourite moosicians (including Moodonna, Depeche Moo-d and of course, Moose).
Ahead of the herd
Judith grew up in this neck of the woods, and when she took the reins from her father (who’d been farming here since the fifties) she knew that she wanted to do things in a whole new way. The land was converted to organic back in 2000, at the height of the BSE crisis. Having children themselves, Judith and Clive were naturally worried about what was going into the food on their dinner table, and knew that many others were too. The result today is a sustainable farm that is a haven for a diverse mix of countryside wildlife, producing its own solar power and preserving the soil for future generations.
They put the conservation of the Guernsey breed and the wellbeing of their animals at the top of their priority list. Every cow eats a balanced, healthy diet that’s meticulously monitored and tweaked whenever the need arises. They have plenty of opportunity to rest, and they’ll even be treated to a manicure if they’re calving. This dedication means the cows stay healthy and happy throughout their lives. They’re a friendly bunch too; who seemed only too keen to greet us when we dropped for a chat.
Quality is key here, even when quantity is sacrificed to achieve it. Unlike many conventional dairies the cows are only milked once per day, resulting in far less stress for the herd, and richer, thicker milk which is secret to their signature yoghurts.
The cream of the shop
We’ve been enjoying their award-winning yoghurts for years, and their quality, as well as the amazing range of flavours never fails to impress. You’ll find a festive favourite Christmas Pud flavour in the shop right now, as well as something really very special. We’re so proud to share their latest puntastic creations, that you can only get them right here. Zingy Moomalade and rich, creamy Moocha flavours that are so good we put our name on them.